Animated Nick
- Each frame is a .lcd file.
- All frames are concatenated and saved as “nick.lcd”.
- Each frame is shown with a fixed frame rate of 0.5s.
Notes on lcd files
- Pixels are not quadratic, but rectangular with a 1.209 ratio (each pixel is 1.209 times higher than its width).
- This means a square should be 77 pixel wide and 64 pixel high (for example).
Automatic conversion from animated gif
The “convert” program from imagemagick is the tool to use.
convert INPUTFILE.gif -background white +adjoin -resize 96×82 -monochrome -alpha Off -resize '96×68!' -depth 1 -negate out.gif
(This is 96 x 82 and 96 x 68, not that weird multiplication character the wiki makes of it.)
For some reason these must then be flattened (does not work on one line) before converting to LCD format:
for f in out-*.gif; do convert $f -depth 1 -flatten f$f; ../r0ket/tools/image/ f$f; done
Now we can collect them:
cat `ls fout-*.lcd |sort -n -t- -k2 ` > nick.lcd
Copy nick.lcd to your r0ket badge. Have fun!
Sources for animations
- Stick man animations:
- 4chan:
- Geocities-Charme and other embarrassing shit:
Publish your animation
You can publish your animation or image here
nick_animation.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/10 21:48 by marcus