Table of Contents
Description: Ignite your r0ket!
28C3 Flame
Sorry, SOLD OUT!
Camp Flame
Author: kiu
Links: https://github.com/kiu/flame
Sorry, SOLD OUT!
Aww, that's sad. But hey, what about creating new ones? See thoughts on flames production of new RGB flames (internal)
maybe you like to modify your Flame? See RGB Flame mod
Used addresses
See flyer
The r0ket has flame support built-in.
See sourcetree
Your very own RGB colors
Create a file named FLAME.RGB on your r0ket.
Put 24 bytes in the file. Up to 8 colors with each 3 bytes in size can be read by the firmware.
Use a hexeditor, plain ASCII won't work.
00000000 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF .................... 00000014 FF FF FF FF ....
Rainbow effect (cycles through red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, magenta, white):
00000000 FF 1F 1F FF 7F 00 FF FF 00 3F FF 00 00 BF 7F 1F 00000010 00 FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF
m0dul-flame.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/03 19:24 by schneider