1. Pull code from openbeacon fork
git clone http://git.42.org/openbeacon.git
2. Edit openbeacon/host/services/openbeacon-tracker/src/bmReaderPositions.h to include reader locations for 28c3 or eh12
vi openbeacon/host/services/openbeacon-tracker/src/bmReaderPositions.h
3. You will need libpcap to build the tracker
sudo apt-get install libpcap libpcap-dev
4. Then just run the makefile
cd openbeacon/host/services/openbeacon-tracker
5. Download data for EH12, Check http://web.xtort.eu/~dump/pkt/ for 28c3 data
wget http://zonk.muc.ccc.de/r0ket/2012-04-06-12:37:01.pcap.xz
6. Extract into pcap file and run tracker
unxz 2012-04-06-12:37:01.pcap.xz
./openbeacon-tracker 2012-04-06-12:37:01.pcap
This will produce json output that can now be further parsed or played with.