getDigital left lots of USB missile launchers in our hands. So we'll give you the opportunity to play with them at 28c3! We have quite some of those, so take them apart, solder pins to the hackerbus, launch r0kets, whatever…

how will that work?


C example using hidapi:



The script allows you to control a USB r0ketlaunch0r from your r0ket wirelessly using rem0te One r0ket acts as a Bridge, to with other r0kets can connect using the rem0te l0dable.

  1. Install the game server libarys as described above
  2. Flash the bridge firmware to your r0ket
  3. Start the script, and connect from another r0ket using the rem0te l0dable
  4. Have fun!


This small program examines your DVB-T TV signal strength (V4L DVB-Stack) and rotates the r0ketlauncher with an attached DVB-antenna to achieve the best aligment of the antenna.

  1. Install dvbsnoop and libusb
  2. compile the source: tvr0tator.c with gcc -o tvr0tator tvr0tator.c -lusb
  3. start your favourite DVB Viewer (like mplayer)
  4. run ./tvr0tator
  5. have fun watching tv (or c3 streams) with best signal-strength!