===== Computer ===== * Software is at http://git.42.org/openbeacon.git/ * the interesting part is: openbeacon/host/services/openbeacon-tracker * Job: Collect raw data from trackers, and calculate positions from that * add readers here: * ''src/bmReaderPositions.h'' {readerid, roomnumber, group(?), x-coord, y-coord, comment}, * ''make'' * ''./openbeacon-tracker | ./filter-singularsighting output.json'' * so it doesn't write to disk every second: * ''mount -t tmpfs -o size=10M /dev/null ./json'' * Start webserver to publish the json (e.g.: thttpd) * thttpd -p [port] -dd [json file folder] -l [zielordner fuers logfile] * e.g. ''thttpd -p 8888 -dd json/ -l ./logfile'' ===== r0kets ===== * tracking - r0kets need this software: * bridge-firmware, see ''README.building'' * currently: r0kets connected to computers (e.g. dockstar) * you need this script for it: ''.../r0ket/tools/mesh/beacon-udp.pl'' * or alternatively the binary built from ''.../r0ket/tools/mesh/obreader.c''