Looking for the new, 2015, camp-badge-wiki? Look no further!
Built a cool [[r0ketlauncher]] hack? We would love to see it [[r0ketlauncher|documented]]! And of course all the other [[l0dables]] you built!
{{ :wiki:r0ket_space_III.jpg?400 }}
== For the consumers: ==
* The user [[manual]] for the r0ket
* A list of often used [[acronyms]]
* List of [[l0dables]]
** [[init]] ** tells you how to flash your r0ket with the 28C3 firmware. The firmware is updated from time to time!
Your badge does strange things or nothing at all? [[help]]!
== For the producers: ==
* The [[hardware]] powering the r0ket
* The [[software]] on the r0ket
* How to write your own [[l0dable]]
* List of [[m0duls]] that have been done/planned
* Information about r0ket [[tracking]]
Get in [[contact]]
team r0ket