== Hardware == === Intro === We want to encourage you to tinker with your r0ket. Write your own software or build a pluggable hardware [[m0dul]]. Surprise with your creative ideas! Several people contacted us about producing r0kets for other occasions. All necessary information is on github and we're happy to help. But you should plan ahead at least 2 months! ====== Schematic ====== {{:r0ket.sch.png?direct&400|}} Links: [[https://github.com/r0ket/r0ket/tree/master/hardware/r0ket|Schematic]] ====== CPU ====== Name: LPC1343 Description: 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller with 32KB flash, 8KB SRAM, USB Device Links: [[http://ics.nxp.com/products/lpc1000/all/~LPC1343/|Vendor]] [[http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/LPC1311_13_42_43.pdf|Datasheet]] [[http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10375.pdf|Manual]] ====== LCD ====== r0ket v1 and v2 come with a black and white display: Name: Nokia 1200 Description: Nokia 1200 - 96x68 (green) monochrome LCD Controller: Phillips PCF8814 [[http://mylcd.sourceforge.net/files/pcf8814.pdf|Datasheet]] Connector: Hirose DF23-10DS [[http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/LCD/Hirose-DF23.pdf|Datasheet]] Video: [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZlOOvKoToE|Nokia displays]] The Nokia 1600 - 98x70 4096 color LCD is pin compatible. Software to use this display with r0ket exists - see [[colordisplay]] for more. ====== RF ====== Name: nRF24L01+ Description: Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver with an embedded baseband protocol engine. ISM frequency band at 2.400 - 2.4835GHz Links: [[http://www.nordicsemi.com/kor/Products/2.4GHz-RF/nRF24L01P|Vendor]] [[http://www.nordicsemi.com/kor/content/download/2726/34069/file/nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf|Datasheet]] ===== Antenna ===== its 50 ohms, so you can easily extend it by e.g. a cantenna Links: [[ http://www.johansontechnology.com/images/stories/ip/rf-antennas/Antenna_2450AT42A100_08-29-2008.pdf | Datasheet]] ====== Battery ====== Description: Custom made 3.7V 600mAh rechargeable LiPo battery ====== Dataflash ====== Name: AT45DB041B Description: Serial interface flash memory, 4,325,376 bits of memory organized as 2048 pages of 264 bytes Links: [[http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/devices.asp?category_id=162&family_id=668&subfamily_id=1805&source=left_nav|Vendor]] [[http://www.atmel.com/atmel/acrobat/doc1938.pdf|Datasheet]] ====== Interfaces ====== ===== m0dulbus ===== See [[m0dul#hardware|m0dul]] for details. Connector: 2x06 female socket (2.54mm/100mil) {{:r0ket-m0dulbus.png?400&direct|}} m0dulA ^Pin^Name^Description^ |1 |3V3_EXP| Fixed 3.3V| |2 |MISO | SPI: Master in, Slave out| |3 |MOSI | SPI: Master out, Slave in| |4 |SCK | SPI: Clock| |5 |GND | Ground| |6 |SS0 | Chip select for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS0 = PIO2_5| |7 |SDA | I2C: Data| |8 |SS1 | CS for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS1 = PIO2_4| |9 |SCL | I2C: Clock| |10|SS2 | CS for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS0 = PIO2_8| |11|BUSINT | Active LOW open-drain interrupt | |12|VCC_EXP| Battery voltage (4.5-3.5V) | m0dulB ^Pin^Name^Description^ |1 |3V3_EXP| Fixed 3.3V| |2 |MISO | SPI: Master in, Slave out| |3 |MOSI | SPI: Master out, Slave in| |4 |SCK | SPI: Clock| |5 |GND | Ground| |6 |SS3 | Chip select for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS3 = PIO3_2| |7 |SDA | I2C: Data| |8 |SS4 | CS for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS4 = PIO3_1| |9 |SCL | I2C: Clock| |10|SS5 | CS for SPI or general purpose IO RB_SPI_SS5 = PIO2_10| |11|BUSINT | Active LOW open-drain interrupt | |12|VCC_EXP| Battery voltage (4.5-3.5V) | ===== Hackerbus ===== The Hackerbus is an additional bus for fast and dirty hacking. But be careful, unlike to the m0dulbus you can't combine/stack extensions there! Connector: Optional (not prepopulated) 1x06 female socket (2.54mm/100mil) {{:r0ket-hackerbus.png?200&direct|}} Hackbus HB1 ^Pin^Name^Description^ |1|+3V3_EXP| Fixed 3.3V| |2|GND|Ground| |3|VCC_EXP|Battery Voltage| |4|HB3|PIO0_2/SSEL/CT16B0_CAP0| |5|HB4|PIO1_4/AD5/CT32B1_MAT3/WAKEUP //pulled up to +3V3 to enable deep power-down, not usable as ADC//| |6|HB5|PIO1_2/AD3/CT32B1_MAT1/TRST| Hackerbus HB2 ^Pin^Name^Description^ |1|+3V3_EXP| Fixed 3.3V| |2|GND|Ground| |3|VCC_EXP|Battery Voltage| |4|HB0|PIO1_3/AD4/CT32B1_MAT2/SWDIO| |5|HB1|PIO0_10/SCK/CT16B0_MAT2/SWCLK| |6|HB2|PIO1_1/AD2/CT32B1_MAT0/TDO| ====== micro SD slot ====== optional, not populated from: [[http://www.sparkfun.com/products/127|Sparkfun]](item nr. PRT-00127) or [[http://www.csd-electronics.de| csd-electronics]] (item. nr. 020-TFH1, [[http://i.imgur.com/GzkFe.jpg|datasheet]]) ====== LEDs ====== ^LED ^ Port^ Location ^ Color^ |RB_LED0|PIO0_11|bottom left|green| |RB_LED1|PIO1_7|top left|green| |RB_LED2|PIO1_6|bottom right|green| |RB_LED3|PIO1_11|top right|red| ====== Misc ====== Four LEDs One 5 way switch ([[http://uk.farnell.com/multicomp/mcmt5-f-v/navigationsschalter-5polig-smd/dp/1316987?Ntt=1316987|farnell]]) Micro USB (2.0) socket === Further reading === * Documentation on [[m0dul]] development * Show your Hardware [[hardware-mods|modifications]]